
If you're still looking for someone, I might be interested in getting more information about your project. From you initial message that does not seem to be a lot of work
so I might be willing to give you some time.

I've been working with Solr for the last 7 months on my full-time job and I'm currently managing a Solr based project that use Field collapsing, facetting, custom scoring with function queries and
a custom query handler.

Contact me if you're interested

----- Original Message ----- From: "AC" <acanuc...@yahoo.com>
To: <solr-user@lucene.apache.org>
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 7:43 PM
Subject: Looking for help with Solr implementation


Not sure if this is the correct place to post but I'm looking for someone to
help finish a Solr install on our LAMP based website. This would be a paid

The programmer that started the project got too busy with his full-time job to finish the project. Solr has been installed and a basic search is working but
we need to configure it to work across the site and also set-up faceted
search. I tried posting on some popular freelance sites but haven't been able
to find anyone with real Solr expertise / experience.

If you think you can help me with this project please let me know and I can
supply more details.



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