Yes we did. Sorry for this. We both made the same error replying to the mailing list.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Thumuluri, Sai" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2010 8:41 AM
Subject: RE: Looking for help with Solr implementation

Please refrain using this mailing group for soliciting and take it offline

-----Original Message-----
From: AC []
Sent: Sat 11/13/2010 1:12 AM
Subject: Re: Looking for help with Solr implementation

Hey Jean-Sebastien,

Thanks for the reply. It sounds like your experience is exactly what is needed
for my project.

To give you some background this project is for a personal project related to
biomedical field that I'm trying to get up off the ground.

The site is

It is a portal site for researchers in the biotech industry specifically focused
on antibodies - not sure how up you may be on biomedical research :)

Anyway I have collected a lot of information about proteins and antibodies from
various sources which people can search and browse. The site is and will be
free to access by anyone.

The current search uses MySQL but our requirements for how the site needs to
operate cannot be properly handled by MySQL. Searches can take ~8-10 sec and
this is clearly not acceptable.

If you try the default search on the index page you can see how slow it is.
Suggested terms to try: Akt, p53, PTEN, AIF.

So there are several different items indexed in solr that we want to search:

1. Protein Information (~42,000 MySQL DB records)
2. Products (expect to host >200,000 product records, currently ~20,000
products) (current product search is
faceted but also takes way too long)
3. Articles (text from ~120,000 articles) Article search can be accessed from
the protein pages and advanced search page:
4. Images (~100,000 image captions) Image search is found on this page

The current solr search which has been set-up can be seen on this page: (search bar on this page uses solr). It
is clearly much faster and meets our needs so it seems clear that using solr is
the solution to the search issue.

The last programmer mentioned that he had indexed all the data and it is now
just a matter of setting up the search queries in solr. The most complicated
query to set-up will be the products as it requires faceted search. The other
searches are failry routine or have more limited facets/options.

If it looks like their is mutual interest I can share with you a document that he created that explains how things have been set-up which should help you get

Please let me know what you think.



From: Jean-Sebastien Vachon <>
Sent: Fri, November 12, 2010 7:09:06 PM
Subject: Re: Looking for help with Solr implementation


If you're still looking for someone, I might be interested in getting more
about your project. From you initial message that does not seem to be a lot of
so I might be willing to give you some time.

I've been working with Solr for the last 7 months on my full-time job and I'm
currently managing
a Solr based project that use Field collapsing, facetting, custom scoring with
function queries and
a custom query handler.

Contact me if you're interested

----- Original Message ----- From: "AC" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 7:43 PM
Subject: Looking for help with Solr implementation


Not sure if this is the correct place to post but I'm looking for someone to
help finish a Solr install on our LAMP based website. This would be a paid

The programmer that started the project got too busy with his full-time job to finish the project. Solr has been installed and a basic search is working but
we need to configure it to work across the site and also set-up faceted
search. I tried posting on some popular freelance sites but haven't been able
to find anyone with real Solr expertise / experience.

If you think you can help me with this project please let me know and I can
supply more details.



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