        I'd like to know if anybody has suggestions/opinions on what is 
currently the best architecture for a distributed search system using Solr. The 
use case is that of a system composed
of N indexes, each hosted on a separate machine, each index containing unique 

Options that I know of are:

A) Using Solr distributed search
B) Using Solr + Zookeeper integration
C) Using replication, i.e. each node replicates all the others

It seems like options A) and B) would suffer from a fault-tolerance standpoint: 
if any of the nodes goes down, the search won't -at this time- return partial 
results, but instead report an exception.
Option C) would provide fault tolerance, at least for any search initiated at a 
node that is available, but would incur into a large replication overhead.

Did I get any of the above wrong, or does somebody have some insight on what is 
the best system architecture for this use case ?

thanks in advance,

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