Greetings, we're wondering why we can issue the command to shutdown
tomcat/solr but the process remains visible in memory (by using the top
command) and we have to manually kill the PID for it to release its
memory before we can (re)start tomcat/solr?  Anybody have any ideas?
The process is using 12+ GB main memory typically but can go up to 40 GB
on the master where we index.  We have 64GB main memory on these
servers.  I set the heap at 12 GB and use the concurrent garbage
collector too.


That raises another question:  top can show only 20 GB free out of 64
but the tomcat/solr process only shows its using half of that.  What is
using the rest?  The numbers don't add up...


Environment:  Lucid Imagination distro of Solr 1.4 on Tomcat  

Platform: RHEL with Sun JRE 1.6.0_18 

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