On 12/1/2010 10:12 AM, Burton-West, Tom wrote:
If I want to delete an entire index and start over, in previous versions of 
Solr, you could stop Solr, delete all files in the index directory and restart 
Solr.  Solr would then create empty segments files and you could start 
indexing.   In Solr 3x if I delete all the files in the index  directory I get 
a large stack trace with this error:

You have to delete the index directory entirely. This looks like a change in Lucene, not Solr specificially. If the directory exists, but has nothing in it, it throws an exception. I'll leave the rationale question that you also asked to someone who might actually know. I personally think it shouldn't behave this way, but the dev team may encountered something that required that the directory either be a valid index or not exist at all.


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