--- On Fri, 12/3/10, Mark <static.void....@gmail.com> wrote:

> From: Mark <static.void....@gmail.com>
> Subject: Limit number of characters returned
> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> Date: Friday, December 3, 2010, 5:39 AM
> Is there way to limit the number of
> characters returned from a stored field?
> For example:
> Say I have a document (~2K words) and I search for a word
> that's somewhere in the middle. I would like the document to
> match the search query but the stored field should only
> return the first 200 characters of the document. Is there
> anyway to accomplish this that doesn't involve two fields?

I don't think it is possible out-of-the-box. May be you can hack highlighter to 
return that first 200 characters in highlighting response.
Or a custom response writer can do that.

But if you will be always returning first 200 characters of documents, I think 
creating additional field with indexed="false" stored="true" will be more 
efficient. And you can make your original field indexed="true" stored="false", 
your index size will be diminished.

<copyField source="text" dest="textShort" maxChars="200"/>


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