(10/12/09 21:22), Shaun Campbell wrote:
I'm trying to highlight a field and I'm getting an exception thrown, only on
certain search terms though.  I am fairly certain that the cause of the
problem is through having synonyms on the highlighted field as I have had
highlighting working in the past on other fields.

The added complication is that the field that I am highlighting also has
ngramming and stemming.  I think what is happening is that the highlighting
cannot match the criteria (which happens to be a synonym) against the actual
string retrieved from the index and crashes, I think if the string found is
greater than a certain number of characters.

I wonder if anyone has experienced this problem and knows how to get around

Basically, highlighting on synonym fields is no problem, but
highlighter doesn't support n-gram fields. FastVectorHighlighter
supports fixed-length (minGramSize==maxGramSize) n-gram fields.


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