(10/12/09 22:13), Shaun Campbell wrote:

Thanks a lot it's stopped crashing now.  Can I ask one other question about
synonym highlighting which looks a bit puzzling?

I enter asset as my criteria and it returns through synonym matching other
terms highlighted as well.  My debug output is:

DEBUG: uk.co.sjp.intranet.service.SolrServiceImpl - Highlighted tag =
DEBUG: uk.co.sjp.intranet.service.SolrServiceImpl - Highlighted tag =
<em>asset</em>  management
DEBUG: uk.co.sjp.intranet.service.SolrServiceImpl - Highlighted tag =
<em>inves</em>tment product
DEBUG: uk.co.sjp.intranet.service.SolrServiceImpl - Highlighted tag =

As you can see asset works well.  For the "synonyms" does it just highlight
the first n characters where n is the length of the input string?  Can't
figure out how it could do otherwise.


As I said in my previous mail, highlighter doesn't support n-gram field.
Please remove EdgeNGramFilter from your index analyzer and re-index.
You'll get what you want.


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