On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 2:28 PM, stockii <st...@shopgate.com> wrote:
> Hello.
> i`m using the StatsComponent to get the sum of amounts. but solr
> statscomponent is very slow on a huge index of 30 Million documents. how can
> i tune the statscomponent ?

Not sure about this problem.

> the problem is, that i have 5 currencys and i need to send for each currency
> a new request. thats make the solr search sometimes very slow. =(

I guess that you mean the search from the front-end is slow.

It is difficult to make a guess without details of your index,
and of your queries, but one thing that immediately jumps
out is that you could shard the Solr index by currency, and
have your front-end direct queries for each currency to the
appropriate Solr server.

Please do share a description of what all you are indexing,
how large your index is, and what kind of queries you are
running. I take it that you have already taken a look at


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