What's the use-case you're trying to solve? Because if you're
still showing results to the user, you're taking information away
from them. Where are you expecting to get the list? If you try
to return the entire list, you're going to pay the penalty
of creating the entire list and transmitting it across the wire rather
than just a pages' worth.

And if you're paging, the user will do this for you by deciding for
herself when she's getting less relevant results.

So I don't understand what the value to the end user you're trying
to provide is, perhaps if you elaborate on that I'll have more useful


On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 3:12 AM, Julien Piquot <julien.piq...@arisem.com>wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I would like to be able to prune my search result by removing the less
> relevant documents. I'm thinking about using the search score : I use the
> search scores of the document set (I assume there are sorted by descending
> order), normalise them (0 would be the the lowest value and 1 the greatest
> value) and then calculate the gradient of the normalised scores. The
> documents with a gradient below a threshold value would be rejected.
> If the scores are linearly decreasing, then no document is rejected.
> However, if there is a brutal score drop, then the documents below the drop
> are rejected.
> The threshold value would still have to be tuned but I believe it would
> make a much stronger metric than an absolute search score.
> What do you think about this approach? Do you see any problem with it? Is
> there any SOLR tools that could help me dealing with that?
> Thanks for your answer.
> Julien

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