Web page returns the following message:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message '"0" Status: 
Communication Error'

This happens in a dev environment, everything on one machine: Windows 7, WAMP, 
CakePHP, Tomcat, Solr, and SolrPHPClient. Error message also references line 
334 of the Service.php file, which is part of the SolrPHPClient.

Everything works perfectly on a different machine so this problem is probably 
related to configuration. On the problem machine, I can reach solr at 
http://localhost:8080/solr/admin and it looks correct (AFAIK). I am documenting 
the setup procedures this time around but don't know what's different between 
the two machines.

Google search on the error message shows the message is not uncommon so the 
answer might be helpful to others as well.



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