On 12.01.2011, at 23:50, Eric wrote:

> Web page returns the following message:
> Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message '"0" Status: 
> Communication Error'
> This happens in a dev environment, everything on one machine: Windows 7, 
> WAMP, CakePHP, Tomcat, Solr, and SolrPHPClient. Error message also references 
> line 334 of the Service.php file, which is part of the SolrPHPClient.
> Everything works perfectly on a different machine so this problem is probably 
> related to configuration. On the problem machine, I can reach solr at 
> http://localhost:8080/solr/admin and it looks correct (AFAIK). I am 
> documenting the setup procedures this time around but don't know what's 
> different between the two machines.
> Google search on the error message shows the message is not uncommon so the 
> answer might be helpful to others as well.

I ran into this issue compiling PHP with--curl-wrappers.

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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