On the one hand, I found really interesting those comments about the reasons for sharding. Documentation agrees you about why to split an index in several shards (big sizes problems) but I don't find any explanation about the inconvenients as an Access Control List. I guess there should be some and they can be critical in this design. Any example?
On the other hand, the performance problems. I have configured big caches and I launch a test of simultaneous requests (with the same query) without commiting during the test. The caches are initially empty and after the test: name queryResultCache stats lookups 1129 hits 1120 hitratio 0.99 inserts 16 evictions 0 size 9 warmupTime 0 cumulative_lookups 1129 cumulative_hits 1120 cumulative_hitratio 0.99 cumulative_inserts 16 cumulative_evictions 0 name documentCache stats lookups 6750 hits 6440 hitratio 0.95 inserts 310 evictions 0 size 310 warmupTime 0 cumulative_lookups 6750 cumulative_hits 6440 cumulative_hitratio 0.95 cumulative_inserts 310 cumulative_evictions 0 Although most of the queries are cache hits, the performance is still dependent of the number of simultaneous queries: 1 simultaneous query: 3437 ms (cache fails) 2 simultaneous queries: 594, 954 ms 10 simultaneous queries: 1047, 1313, 1438, 1797, 1922, 2094, 2250, 2500, 2938, 3000 ms 50 simultaneous queries: 1203, 1453, 1453, 1437, 1625, 1953, 5688, 12938, 14953, 16281, 15984, 16453, 15812, 16469, 16563, 16844, 17703, 16843, 17359, 16828, 18235, 18219, 18172, 18203, 17672, 17344, 17453, 18484, 18157, 18531, 18297, 18359, 18063, 18516, 18125, 17516, 18562, 18016, 18187, 18610, 18703, 18672, 17829, 18344, 18797, 18781, 18265, 18875, 18250, 18812 100 simultaneous queries: 1297, 1531, 1969, 2203, 2375, 2891, 3937, 4109, 4703, 4890, 5047, 5312, 5563, 6422, 6437, 7063, 7093, 7391, 7594, 7672, 8172, 8547, 8750, 8984, 9265, 9609, 9907, 10344, 11406, 11484, 11484, 11500, 11547, 11703, 11797, 11875, 11922, 12328, 12375, 12875, 12922, 13187, 13219, 13407, 13500, 13562, 13719, 13828, 13875, 14016, 14078, 14672, 15922, 16328, 16625, 16953, 17282, 18172, 18484, 18985, 20594, 20625, 20860, 21281, 21469, 21625, 21875, 21875, 22141, 22157, 22172, 23125, 23125, 23141, 23203, 23203, 23328, 24625, 24641, 24672, 24797, 24985, 25031, 25188, 25844, 25937, 26016, 26437, 26453, 26437, 26485, 28297, 28687, 31782, 31985, 31969, 32016, 32031, 32016, 32281 ms Is this an expected situation? Is there any technique for not being so dependent of the number simultaneuos queries? (due to economical reasons, replication in more servers is not an option) Thanks in advance (and also thanks for previous comments) -- View this message in context: http://lucene.472066.n3.nabble.com/Improving-Solr-performance-tp2210843p2249108.html Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.