Hi List,

we are sometimes reaching the maxBooleanClauses Limit (which is 1024, per
default). So, the used query looks like:

?q=name:Stefan&fq=5 10 12 15 16 [...]

where the values are ids of users, which the current user is allowed to see
- so long, nothing special. sometimes the filter-query includes user-ids
from an different Type of User (let's say we have TypeA and TypeB) where
TypeB contains more then 2k users. Then we hit the given Limit.

Now the Question is .. is it possible to enable an Filter/Function/Feature
in Solr, which it makes possible, that we don't need to send over alle the
user ids from TypeB Users? Just to tell Solr "include all TypeB Users in the
(given) FilterQuery" (or something in that direction)?

If so, what's the Name of this Filter/Function/Feature? :)

Don't hesitate to ask, if my question/description is weird!


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