Here is our configuration:

<lst name="master">
   <str name="enable">true</str>
   <str name="replicateAfter">commit</str>
   <str name="replicateAfter">startup</str>

Stevo Slavić, 20.01.2011 13:26:
On which events did you configure master to perform replication? replicateAfter


On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 12:53 PM, Thomas Kellerer<>  wrote:
Hi all,

we have implemented a Solr based search in our web application. We have one
master server that maintains the index which is replicated to the slaves
using the built-in Solr replication.

This has been working fine so far, but suddenly the replication does not
send the modified files to the slaves.

Each time the slave polls the master, the master answers with "No files to
download for indexversion: 1291900430240"

The problem is, that the index version on the master **is** higher than the
one on the slave.

We have something like this:

Master: Index Version: 1291900430241, Generation: 1288
Slave: Index Version: 1291900430240, Generation: 1287

But still the files are not replicated ("No files to download...")

Why would the master think that no files need to be replicated even though
the slave version and generation are lower than the one from the master?

What makes the problem even more difficult is, that this isn't reproducable.
Sometimes re-starting the master puts everything back to normal.

Any ideas?


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