On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 11:53 PM, Lance Norskog <goks...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The Solr 4 branch is nowhere near ready for prime time. For example,
> within the past week code was added that forces you to completely
> reindex all of the documents you had. Solr 4 is really the "trunk".
> The low-level stuff is being massively changed to allow very big
> performance improvements and new features.

Changing the index format is not a sign of instability, we did this to
improve performance. So, changing the index format is in no way a bad
sign, nor indicative of whether or not the trunk is good for
production use.

You aren't forced to re-index all your documents if you are riding
trunk -- its your decision to make that tradeoff when you type 'svn
update'. If you want stability you can take a snapshot (e.g. nightly
build), and just stick with it.

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