Hi Upayavira,

Apologies for the lack of clarity in the mail. The feeds have the following 
id, url, title, content, refererurl, createdDate, author, etc. We need search 
functionality on title and content. 
As mentioned earlier, storing title and content in solr takes up a lot of 
space. So, we index title and content in solr, and we wish to store title and 
content in MySQL which has the fields - id, title, content.

I'm also looking at a solr client- solrj to query MySQL based on what solr 
returns. But that means another component which needs to be maintained. I was 
wondering if it's a good idea to implement the functionality in solr itself.


Just another resurrected Neozoic Archosaur comics.

From: Upayavira <u...@odoko.co.uk>
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Sent: Tuesday, February 8, 2011 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: Solr n00b question: writing a custom QueryComponent

I'm still not quite clear what you are attempting to achieve, and more
so why you need to extend Solr rather than just wrap it.

You have data with title, description and content fields. You make no
mention of an ID field.

Surely, if you want to store some in mysql and some in Solr, you could
make your Solr client code enhance the data it gets back after querying
Solr with data extracted from Mysql. What is the issue here?


On Mon, 07 Feb 2011 23:17 -0800, "Ishwar" <ishwarsridha...@yahoo.com>
> Hi all,
> Been a solr user for a while now, and now I need to add some
> functionality to solr for which I'm trying to write a custom
> QueryComponent. Couldn't get much help from websearch. So, turning to
> solr-user for help.
> I'm implementing search functionality for  (micro)blog aggregation. We
> use solr 1.4.1. In the current solr config, the title and content fields
> are both indexed and stored in solr. Storing takes up a lot of space,
> even with compression. I'd like to store the title and description field
> in solr in mysql and retrieve these fields in results from MySQL with an
> id lookup.
> Using the DataImportHandler won't work because we store just the title
> and content fields in MySQL. The rest of the fields are in solr itself.
> I wrote a custom component by extending QueryComponent, and overriding
> only the finishStage(ResponseBuilder) function where I try to retrieve
> the necessary records from MySQL. This is how the new QueryComponent is
> specified in solrconfig.xml
> <searchComponent name="query"    
> class="org.apache.solr.handler.component.TestSolr" />
> I see that the component is getting loaded from the solr debug output
> <lst name="prepare">
> <double name="time">1.0</double>
> <lst name="org.apache.solr.handler.component.TestSolr">
> <double name="time">0.0</double>
> </lst>
> ...
> But the strange thing is that the finishStage() function is not being
> called before returning results. What am I missing?
> Secondly, functions like ResponseBuilder._responseDocs are visible only
> in the package org.apache.solr.handler.component. How do I access the
> results in my package?
> If you folks can give me links to a wiki or some sample custom
> QueryComponent, that'll be great.
> --
> Thanks in advance.
> Ishwar.
> Just another resurrected Neozoic Archosaur comics.
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/mojosaurus/sets/72157600257724083/
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