
i agree with Upayavira, probably it's better to create an external app that
retrieves content from a db.
Anyway, if i am not wrong,
finishStage is a method called by the coordinator if you have a distributed

if your solr is on a single machine every component should implement only
prepare and process methods.



On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 7:17 AM, Ishwar <ishwarsridha...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Been a solr user for a while now, and now I need to add some functionality
> to solr for which I'm trying to write a custom QueryComponent. Couldn't get
> much help from websearch. So, turning to solr-user for help.
> I'm implementing search functionality for  (micro)blog aggregation. We use
> solr 1.4.1. In the current solr config, the title and content fields are
> both indexed and stored in solr. Storing takes up a lot of space, even with
> compression. I'd like to store the title and description field in solr in
> mysql and retrieve these fields in results from MySQL with an id lookup.
> Using the DataImportHandler won't work because we store just the title and
> content fields in MySQL. The rest of the fields are in solr itself.
> I wrote a custom component by extending QueryComponent, and overriding only
> the finishStage(ResponseBuilder) function where I try to retrieve the
> necessary records from MySQL. This is how the new QueryComponent is
> specified in solrconfig.xml
> <searchComponent name="query"
> class="org.apache.solr.handler.component.TestSolr" />
> I see that the component is getting loaded from the solr debug output
> <lst name="prepare">
> <double name="time">1.0</double>
> <lst name="org.apache.solr.handler.component.TestSolr">
> <double name="time">0.0</double>
> </lst>
> ...
> But the strange thing is that the finishStage() function is not being
> called before returning results. What am I missing?
> Secondly, functions like ResponseBuilder._responseDocs are visible only in
> the package org.apache.solr.handler.component. How do I access the results
> in my package?
> If you folks can give me links to a wiki or some sample custom
> QueryComponent, that'll be great.
> --
> Thanks in advance.
> Ishwar.
> Just another resurrected Neozoic Archosaur comics.
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/mojosaurus/sets/72157600257724083/

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