
Facet counts in Solr are 100% accurate. That's not the problem.

The problem lies in how you configure search
- In what fields do you search?
  If you search the product description and it says "LED is much better than 
LCD" you get that product in your facet counts
- What synonyms/stemming etc are you applying?
  If someone search for "apple" they may get "apples" which may not be intended

All in all, you want a tradeoff between helping customer find stuff without the 
exact right wording (recall) at the same time as you want the query to be 
precise (precision). This is not an exact science.

The best bet would perhaps be to make an intelligent query interface where you 
detect "lcd" in the query as the feature "LCD" and add that as a strucured 
filter. This takes a lot of effort to build but will probably give the best 
results at the end of the day.

Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
Cominvent AS - www.cominvent.com

On 21. feb. 2011, at 12.39, Praveen Parameswaran wrote:

> Hi,
> Is it possible to have 100% accuracy for facet counts using solr ? Since
> this is for a product price comparison site I would need the search to
> return accurate results. for example if I search "sony lcd Tv" I do not want
> "sony Led Tv" to be returned int he results.  Please let me know if this is
> possible and how?
> Thanks
> Prav

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