On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 9:13 AM, Rachita Choudhary
<rachita.choudh...@burrp.com> wrote:
> Hi Solr Users,
> We are upgrading from Solr 1.3 to Solr 1.4.1.
> While using Solr 1.3 , we were seeing multiple blocking active threads on
> "org.apache.lucene.store.FSDirectory$FSIndexInput.readInternal() ".
> To utilize the benefits of NIO, on upgrading to Solr 1.4.1, we see other
> type of multiple blocking threads on
> "org.apache.solr.request.UnInvertedField.getUnInvertedField()  &
> SegmentReader$CoreReaders.getTermsReader".
> Due to this, the QTimes shoots up from few hundreds to thousand of
> msec.. even going upto 30-40 secs for a single query.
> - The multiple blocking threads show up after few thousands of queries.
> - We do not have faceting and sorting on the same fields.
> - Our facet fields are multivalued text fields, but no large text values are
> present.
> - Index size - around 10 GB
> - We have not specified any method for faceting in our schema.xml.
> - Our field value cache settings are:
>  <fieldValueCache
>        class="solr.FastLRUCache"
>        size="175"
>        autowarmCount="0"
>        showItems="10"
>  />
> Can someone please tell us the why we are seeing these blocked threads ?
> Also if they are related to our field value cache , then a cache of size 175
> will be filled up with very few initial queries and right after that we
> should see multiple blocking threads ?
> What difference it will make if we have "facet.method = enum" ?

fc method on a multivalued field instantiates an UnInvertedField (like
a multi-valued field cache) which can take some time.
Just like sorting, you may want to use some warming faceting queries
to make sure that real queries don't pay the cost of the initial entry

>From your fieldValueCache statistics, it looks like the number of
terms is low enough that the enum method may be fine here.


> Is this all related to fieldValueCache or is there some other configuration
> which we need to set to avoid these blocking threads?
> Thanks,
> Rachita
> *Cache values example:
> *facetField1_27443 :
> {field=facet1_27443,memSize=4214884,tindexSize=52,time=22,phase1=15,nTerms=4,bigTerms=0,termInstances=6,uses=1}
> facetField1_70 :
> {field=facetField1_70,memSize=4223310,tindexSize=308,time=28,phase1=21,nTerms=636,bigTerms=0,termInstances=14404,uses=1}
> facetField2 : 
> {field=facetField2,memSize=4262644,tindexSize=3156,time=273,phase1=267,nTerms=12188,bigTerms=0,termInstances=1255522,uses=7031}

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