Well, an RDBMS can be very fast but Solr using fq can be very fast as well. 
Just try fq=group:sports&fq=createdtime:<you time>

> Dear all,
> I have started to learn Solr for two months. At least right now, my system
> runs good in a Solr cluster.
> I have a question when implementing one feature in my system. When
> retrieving documents by keyword, I believe Solr is faster than relational
> database. However, if doing the following operations, I guess the
> performance must be lower. Is it right?
> What I am trying to do is listed as follows.
> 1) All of the documents in Solr have one field which is used to
> differentiate them; different categories have different value in such a
> field, e.g., Group; the documents are classified as "news", "sports",
> "entertainment" and so on.
> 2) Retrieve all of them documents by the field, Group.
> 3) Besides the field of Group, another field called CreatedTime is also
> existed. I will filter the documents retrieved by Group according to the
> value of CreatedTime. The filtered documents are the final results I need.
> I guess the operation performance is lower than relational database, right?
> Could you please give me an explanation to that?
> Best regards,
> Li Bing

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