
We use solr to index a range of content to which, within our application,
access is restricted by a system of user groups and permissions.  In order
to ensure that search results don't reveal information about items which the
user doesn't have access to, we need to somehow filter the results; this
needs to be done within Solr itself, rather than after retrieval, so that
the facet and result counts are correct.

Currently we do this by creating a filter query which specifies all of the
items which may be allowed to match (e.g. id: (foo OR bar OR blarg OR ...)),
but this has definite scalability issues - we're starting to run into
issues, as this can be a set of ORs of potentially unlimited size (and
practically, we're hitting the low thousands sometimes).  While we can
adjust maxBooleanClauses upwards, I understand that this has performance

So, has anyone had to implement something similar in the past?  Any
suggestions for a more scalable approach?  Any advice on safe and sensible
limits on how far I can push maxBooleanClauses?

Thanks for your advice,


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