How about assigning content types to documents in the index, and map
users to a set of content types they are allowed to access? That way you
will pass in fewer parameters in the fq.


On Fri, 2011-03-11 at 11:53 +1100, Liam O'Boyle wrote:
> Morning,
> We use solr to index a range of content to which, within our application,
> access is restricted by a system of user groups and permissions.  In order
> to ensure that search results don't reveal information about items which the
> user doesn't have access to, we need to somehow filter the results; this
> needs to be done within Solr itself, rather than after retrieval, so that
> the facet and result counts are correct.
> Currently we do this by creating a filter query which specifies all of the
> items which may be allowed to match (e.g. id: (foo OR bar OR blarg OR ...)),
> but this has definite scalability issues - we're starting to run into
> issues, as this can be a set of ORs of potentially unlimited size (and
> practically, we're hitting the low thousands sometimes).  While we can
> adjust maxBooleanClauses upwards, I understand that this has performance
> implications...
> So, has anyone had to implement something similar in the past?  Any
> suggestions for a more scalable approach?  Any advice on safe and sensible
> limits on how far I can push maxBooleanClauses?
> Thanks for your advice,
> Liam

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