Hi Toke,

Thanks a lot for trying this out. I have to mention, that the facetted
search hits only one specific shard by design, so in general the time to
query a shard directly and through the "proxy" SOLR should be comparable.

Would it be feasible for you to make that field ngram'ed or is it too much
worry for you?

I'll check out the direct query and let you know.

On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 5:51 PM, Toke Eskildsen <t...@statsbiblioteket.dk>wrote:

> On Wed, 2011-03-16 at 13:05 +0100, Dmitry Kan wrote:
> > Hello guys. We are using shard'ed solr 1.4 for heavy faceted search over
> the
> > trigrams field with about 1 million of entries in the result set and more
> > than 100 million of entries to facet on in the index. Currently the
> faceted
> > search is very slow, taking about 5 minutes per query.
> I tried creating an index with 1M documents, each with 100 unique terms
> in a field. A search for "*:*" with a facet request for the first 1M
> entries in the field took about 20 seconds for the first call and about
> 1-1½ second for each subsequent call. This was with Solr trunk. The
> complexity of my setup is no doubt a lot simpler and lighter than yours,
> but 5 minutes sounds excessive.
> My guess is that your performance problem is due to the merging process.
> Could you try measuring the performance of a direct request to a single
> shard? If that is satisfactory, going to the cloud would not solve your
> problem. If you really need 1M entries in your result set, you would be
> better of investigating whether your index can be in a single instance.


Dmitry Kan

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