
It works just as expected, but not in a phrase query. Get rid of your quotes 
and you'll be fine.


> Should 1.4.1 dismax query parser be able to handle pure negative queries
> like:
> &q="-foo"
> &q="-foo -bar"
> It kind of seems to me trying it out that it can NOT.  Can anyone else
> verify?  The documentation I can find doesn't say one way or another.
> Which is odd because the documentation for straight solr-lucene query
> parser athttp://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrQuerySyntax  suggests that
> straight solr-lucene query parser_can_  handle pure negative.  That
> seems odd that solr-lucene Q.P. can, but dismax can't? Maybe I'm
> misinterpreting or misunderstanding my experimental results.

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