On 23.03.2011 18:52, Paul wrote:
I increased maxFieldLength and reindexed a small number of documents.
That worked -- I got the correct results. In 3 minutes!
Did you mark the field in question as stored = false?


I assume that if I reindex all my documents that all searches will
become even slower. Is there any way to get all the results in a way
that is quick enough that my user won't get bored waiting? Is there
some optimization of this coming in solr 3.0?

On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 12:15 PM, Sascha Szott<sz...@zib.de>  wrote:
Hi Paul,

did you increase the value of the maxFieldLength parameter in your


On 23.03.2011 17:05, Paul wrote:

I'm using solr 1.4.1.

I have a document that has a pretty big field. If I search for a
phrase that occurs near the start of that field, it works fine. If I
search for a phrase that appears even a little ways into the field, it
doesn't find it. Is there some limit to how far into a field solr will

Here's the way I'm doing the search. All I'm changing is the text I'm
searching on to make it succeed or fail:


Or, if it is not related to how large the document is, what else could
it possibly be related to? Could there be some character in that field
that is stopping the search?

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