
How do you think it should have been designed?

Most libraries are not going to have all the features that you need and
while there may be features about the library that you do not like others
may really appreciate them being there.

As I said earlier in an earlier email a couple of months ago, the
SolrQuery:set(), get() and add() methods do exist for you to use if you
prefer not to use the feature specific methods in the SolrQuery class, thats
the beauty of it.

The PECL extension was something I designed to use on a personal project and
it was really helpful in managing faceted search and other features that
solr has to offer. I decided to share it with the PHP community because I
felt others might need similar functionality. So it is possible that they
may have been use cases that applied to my project that may not be
applicable to yours

I initially used the SolrJ API to access Solr via Java and then when I had a
PHP project I decided to use something similar to SolrJ but at the time
there was nothing similar in the PHP realm

A review of the SolrJ API will offer more explanations on some of the
features present in the PECL API

I will really love to get feedback from others about the design of the PECL
library about any other missing or extraneous features


On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 4:04 AM, Lukas Kahwe Smith <>wrote:

> On 07.03.2011, at 09:43, Stefan Matheis wrote:
> > Burak,
> >
> > what's wrong with the existing PHP-Extension
> > (
> the main issue i see with it is that the API isn't "designed" much. aka it
> just exposes lots of features with dedicated methods, but doesnt focus on
> keeping the API easy to overview (aka keep simple things simple and make
> complex stuff possible). at the same time fundamental stuff like quoting are
> not covered.
> that being said, i do not think we really need a proliferation of solr
> API's for PHP, even if this one is based on PHP 5.3 (namespaces etc). btw
> there is already another PHP 5.3 based API, though it tries to also unify
> other Lucene based API's as much as possible:
> regards,
> Lukas Kahwe Smith

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To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.
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