Sorry, fat fingers. Sent that last e-mail inadvertently.

Anyway, if I have this correct, I'd recommend going to
autocommit and NOT committing from the clients. That's
usually the recommended procedure.

This is especially true if you have a master/slave setup,
because each commit from each client will trigger
(potentially) a replication.


On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 9:07 AM, Erick Erickson <>wrote:

> If your commit from the client fails, you don't really know the
> state of your index anyway. All the threads you have sending
> documents to Solr are adding them to a single internal buffer.
> Committing flushes that buffer.
> So if thread 1 gets an error on commit, it will presumably
> have some documents from thread 2 in the commit. But
> thread 2 won't necessarily see the results. So I don't think
> your statement about needing to know if a commit fails
> is really
> On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 8:50 AM, Phong Dais <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I did not want to hijack this thread (
>> but I am experiencing the same exact problem mentioned here.
>> To sum up the issue, I am getting intermittent "Unavailable Service"
>> exception during indexing commit phase.
>> I know that I am calling commit "very often" but I do not see any way
>> around
>> this.  This is my situation, I am
>> indexing a huge amount of documents using multiple instance of SolrJ
>> client
>> running on multiple servers.  There is no way
>> for me control when "commit" is called from these clients, so two
>> different
>> clients can call commit "at the same time".
>> I am not sure if I can/should use auto/timed commit because I need to know
>> if a commit failed so I can rollback the batch that failed.
>> What kind of options do I have?
>> Should I try to catch the exception and keep trying to "recommit" until it
>> goes through?  I can see some potential of problems with this approach.
>> Do I need to write a request broker to queue up all these commit and send
>> them to solr one by one in a "timely" manner?
>> Just wanted to know if anyone has a solution for this problem before I
>> dive
>> off the deep end.
>> Thanks,
>> Phong

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