
My setup is not quite the way you described.  I have multiple threads
indexing simultaneously, but I only have 1 thread doing the commit after all
indexing threads finished.  I have multiple instances of this running each
in their own java vm.  I'm ok with throwing out all the docs indexed so far
if the commit fail.

I did not know that the recommended procedure is to use auto commit.  I will
explore this avenue.  I was not aware of the master slave setup neither.

The first thing that comes to mind is how do I know which docs did not get
committed if the auto commit ever fails?  What is the recommended procedure
for handling failure?  Any failed docs will need to be index at some point
in the future.

Thanks for the valuable inputs.


On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 9:09 AM, Erick Erickson <>wrote:

> Sorry, fat fingers. Sent that last e-mail inadvertently.
> Anyway, if I have this correct, I'd recommend going to
> autocommit and NOT committing from the clients. That's
> usually the recommended procedure.
> This is especially true if you have a master/slave setup,
> because each commit from each client will trigger
> (potentially) a replication.
> Best
> Erick
> On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 9:07 AM, Erick Erickson <
> >wrote:
> > If your commit from the client fails, you don't really know the
> > state of your index anyway. All the threads you have sending
> > documents to Solr are adding them to a single internal buffer.
> > Committing flushes that buffer.
> >
> > So if thread 1 gets an error on commit, it will presumably
> > have some documents from thread 2 in the commit. But
> > thread 2 won't necessarily see the results. So I don't think
> > your statement about needing to know if a commit fails
> > is really
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 8:50 AM, Phong Dais <>
> wrote:
> >
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I did not want to hijack this thread (
> >>
> >> but I am experiencing the same exact problem mentioned here.
> >>
> >> To sum up the issue, I am getting intermittent "Unavailable Service"
> >> exception during indexing commit phase.
> >> I know that I am calling commit "very often" but I do not see any way
> >> around
> >> this.  This is my situation, I am
> >> indexing a huge amount of documents using multiple instance of SolrJ
> >> client
> >> running on multiple servers.  There is no way
> >> for me control when "commit" is called from these clients, so two
> >> different
> >> clients can call commit "at the same time".
> >> I am not sure if I can/should use auto/timed commit because I need to
> know
> >> if a commit failed so I can rollback the batch that failed.
> >>
> >> What kind of options do I have?
> >> Should I try to catch the exception and keep trying to "recommit" until
> it
> >> goes through?  I can see some potential of problems with this approach.
> >> Do I need to write a request broker to queue up all these commit and
> send
> >> them to solr one by one in a "timely" manner?
> >>
> >> Just wanted to know if anyone has a solution for this problem before I
> >> dive
> >> off the deep end.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Phong
> >>
> >
> >

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