This has come up with stemming: you can stem your synonym list with
the FieldAnalyzer Solr http call, then save the final chewed-up terms
as a new synonym file. You then use that one in the analyzer stack
below the stemmer filter.

On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 9:15 PM, Otis Gospodnetic
<> wrote:
> Hi Otis & Robert,
>  ----- Original Message ----
>> How do people handle cases where synonyms are used and there are  multiple
>> version of the original word that really need to point to the same  set of
>> synonyms?
>> For example:
>> Consider singular and plural of the  word "responsibility".  One might have
>> synonyms defined like  this:
>>   responsibility, obligation, duty
>> But the plural  "responsibilities" is not in there, and thus it will not get
>> expanded to the  synonyms above! That's a problem.
>> Sure, one could change the synonyms  file to look like this:
>>   responsibility, responsibilities,  obligation, duty
>> But that means somebody needs to think of all variations  of the word!
> Yes, that seems to be the case now, as it was in 2008:
> (Hoss replied, but I think that
> suggestion doesn't actually work)
>> Is there a something one can do to get all variations of  the word to map to
>> same synonyms without having to explicitly specify  all variations of the
> word?
> I think this is where Robert's 2+2lemma pointer may help because the 2+lemma
> list contains "records" where a headword is followed by a list of other
> variations of the word.  The way I think this would help is by simply taking
> that list and turning it into the synonyms file format, and then merging in 
> the
> actual synonyms.
> For example, if I have the word "responsibility", then from 2+2lemma I should 
> be
> able to get that "responsibilities" is one of the variants of 
> "responsibility".
> I should then be able to take those 2 words and stick them in synonyms file 
> like
> this:
>  responsibility, responsibilities
> And then append actual synonyms to that:
>  responsibility, responsibilities, obligation, duty
> But I may then need to actually expand synonyms themselves, too (again using
> data from 2+2lemma):
>  responsibility, responsibilities, obligation, obligations, duty, duties
> I haven't tried this yet.  Just theorizing and hoping for feedback.
> Does this sound about right?
> Thanks,
> Otis
> ----
> Sematext :: :: Solr - Lucene - Nutch
> Lucene ecosystem search ::

Lance Norskog

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