: I saw a comment recently (from Lance) that there is (annoying) HTTP caching
: enabled by default in solrconfig.xml.  Does this sound like something that
: would be caused by that cache?  If so, I'd probably want to disable it.   Does

the HTTP caching that tends to bite people in the ass is actually your 
*browser* caching the responses from solr based on the headers solr sets 
in the response....

In most browsers a "Shift-Reload" tells it to ignore it's cache a force a 
new request.

: that affect performance of queries run via SolrJ?  Also: why isn't that cache
: flushed by a commit?  Seems weird...

if you use the example configs that came with Solr 1.4.1, then solr would 
generate Last-Modified and ETag headers that *would* tell your browser 
that the results had chaged after commit.

If you use the example configs that came with SOlr 3.1, then solr sets the 
headers in such a way that the browser shouldn't cache at all.


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