On 5/4/2011 8:50 AM, Dyer, James wrote:
I also should mention that solr-2010 is incorporated in Solr 3.1, so if you can 
upgrade you won't need a patch.  Note, however, that you will still want to 
apply the fix in solr-2462 regardless of the version as this fix hasn't been 
committed anywhere.

Found and fixed a problem with the patch against 3.1. I have a fresh checkout of 3.1, with the 3x patch for SOLR-2469 applied. The patch currently in SOLR-2462 will not apply cleanly. I increased fuzz and ignored whitespace, which allowed it to apply, but then the build failed.

[javac] /opt/ncindex/src/lucene_solr_3_1/solr/src/java/org/apache/solr/spelling/SpellCheckCollator.java:80: cannot find symbol
    [javac] symbol  : variable params
    [javac] location: class org.apache.solr.spelling.SpellCheckCollator
[javac] params.set(CommonParams.TIME_ALLOWED, 50);

The fuzz and whitespace options added the new line to the wrong place -- before params was even defined/declared (whatever Java calls that). I moved it to the right location according to the patch, and now it works.

I'll try to come up with a patch that works against 3.1 to put in the issue. If that doesn't work out, I'll at least put a comment in it.


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