Have you checked that the search phrase are in the field you uses as
highlight field?
Its standard if it dont get hits in the defined highlight field it would
return emty result.

A way around this problem is to add more fields to highlight or merge the
searchable text into a single text field and hightlight that.

Jan Eirik

On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 12:29 PM, Phong Dais <phong.gd...@gmail.com> wrote:

> HI,
> I am having a problem with highlighting which I cannot comprehend.
> I'm using the solr/admin/form.jsp (full interface) to submit a search for
> "3
> 1 15" (with the quotes).
> I have "Enable Highlighting" checked and I have specified the field to
> highlight, in my case DOC_TEXT.  Everything else default values.
> On the result page (after hitting the Search button), I have the, in the
> highlight section:
> <lst name="highlighting">
>  <lst name="1234" />
> </lst>
> 1234 is the DOC_ID (fieldtype string) field of my document.
> The DOC_TEXT field is nowhere to be found in the highlighting section even
> though the
> <result name="response" numFound="1" start="0" maxScore="0.03432435">
> shows that there was 1 match.
> I get this problem with only a very small number of my documents.  Most of
> my documents are correctly found along with the correct highlights.
> For the ones that matched without the highlight, I did a manual search
> within the document for "3 1 15" (ie token 3 followed by token 1 followed
> by
> token 15) and found no match.
> The DOC_TEXT is of <fieldtype name="text" class="solr.TextField"
> positionIncrementGap="100">.  DOC_TEXT is stored.
> This is the same "canned" fieldtype that comes pre-defined with the solr
> 1.4
> standard install.
> I am totally stumped and I do not even know where to begin to resolve this
> issue.
> Thanks for any help.
> Phong

Jan Eirik B. Nævdal
Solutions Engineer | +47 982 65 347
Iterate AS | www.iterate.no
The Lean Software Development Consultancy

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