yeah but you just got me to check again, what I thought was ignoring
my setting of hl.fragsize and always using the default ended up just
returning a smaller field higher ranked, so when I set it to 1000 and
saw the same as what I saw with 100 was the just the off chance that
there was only 100 to see in the first 10 results. funny.

Bryan Rasmussen

On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 2:59 PM, Erick Erickson <> wrote:
> Just checking, but have you tried setting
> hl.fragsize=<very large number> as suggested here:
> ?
> If that's not the problem, please show us the results of
> attaching &debugQuery=on to the request, that may shed
> some light on the problem.
> Best
> Erick
> On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 8:25 AM, bryan rasmussen
> <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> If I do a search
>> http://localhost:8983/solr/tester/select/?q=kongeriget&hl=true then in
>> the <lst name="highlighting"> subtree I get
>> <arr name="all_text">
>> -
>> <str>
>> Aftale mellem <em>kongeriget</em> Danmark og <em>kongeriget</em> Sverige
>> </str>
>> </arr>
>> </lst>
>> What I need to do is to either
>>  1. Return all of all_text which should be possible by setting
>> hl.fragsize=0 but I still never go beyond the default for the field (I
>> can go less than 100 but not more)
>> 2. Get a count of number of highlighted instances(preferable) or
>> return each highlighted text in a separate str element - so
>> <str>kongeriget</str><str>kongeriget</str>
>> thanks,
>> Bryan Rasmussen

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