
You can use parameter stream.file to tell Solr to read the file from local 
disk, not stream across network:

Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
Cominvent AS - www.cominvent.com

On 30. mai 2011, at 22.46, Greg Georges wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> We have our infrastructure on Amazon cloud servers, and we use the S3 file 
> system. We need to index files using Solr Cell. From what I have read, we 
> need to stream files to Solr in order for it to extract the metadata into the 
> index. If we stream data through a public url there will be costs associated 
> to the transfer on the Amazon cloud. We have planned to have a directory with 
> the files, is it possible to tell solr to add documents from a specific 
> folder location? Or must we stream them into Solr? In SolrJ I see that the 
> only option is streaming. Thank you very much.
> Greg

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