Hi Everyone,

I am trying to use Solrj to add documents to my solr index. In the process
of playing around with the implementation I noticed that when we add
documents in a batch to Solr the response back from solr is just - status &
qtime. I am using Solr 3.1 right now.

I came across the following scenario that I would like to handle carefully

When there are exceptions caused by one of the document within the batch
then the documents after that specific documents doesnt make it to the index
ie., lets say out of 100 documents trying to get added, doc 56 has an issue
due to schema restrictions, etc., then docs 57 - 100 dont make it to the
index. Even for docs 1 - 55 to get indexed I need the commit outside the
exception handling block of the addBeans() method.

In the above scenario I would like Solr (or) Solrj to return the doc id's
that got indexed successfully or the doc id's that failed. I would also like
for the documents 57 - 100 to be processed & not get dropped abruptly
because doc 56 had an issue.

Not sure if there is a way for me to get these details/functionality right
now. If I cant get them, I can try to take a crack at developing a patch. I
would require a lot more help in the latter scenario ;-)

Thanks in advance.

-- karthik

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