
I'm confused about exactly how boosts relevancy scores work.

Apologies if I am violating this groups etiquette but I could not find
solr's paste bin anywhere.

I have 2 document types but want to return any documents where the requested
ID appears. The ID appears in multiple attributes but I want to boost
results based on which attribute contains the ID.

so my query is

q="id:b007vty6 parent_id:b007vty6 brand_container_id:b007vty6
series_container_id:b007vty6 subseries_container_id:b007vty6
clip_container_id:b007vty6 clip_episode_id:b007vty6"

and I use qf to boost fields

qf="id^10 parent_id^9 brand_container_id^8 series_container_id^8
subseries_container_id^8 clip_container_id^1 clip_episode_id^1"

I expect any document with the following "id:b007vty6" to be returned 1st (
with the highest score ) yet this is not the case. Can anyone explain why
this is? Could it be that

extra info below:

complete URL




   - -
   responseHeader: {
      - status: 0
      - QTime: 12
      - -
      params: {
         - debugQuery: "on"
         - fl:
         - indent: "on"
         - start: "0"
         - q: "id:b007vty6 parent_id:b007vty6 brand_container_id:b007vty6
         series_container_id:b007vty6 subseries_container_id:b007vty6
         clip_container_id:b007vty6 clip_episode_id:b007vty6"
         - qf: "id^10 parent_id^9 brand_container_id^8 series_container_id^8
         subseries_container_id^8 clip_container_id^1 clip_episode_id^1"
         - wt: "json"
         - rows: "10"
   - -
   response: {
      - numFound: 2
      - start: 0
      - maxScore: 1.5543144
      - -
      docs: [
         - -
            - series_container_id: "b007vm94"
            - id: "b007vsvm"
            - brand_container_id: "b007hhk5"
            - subseries_container_id: "b007vty6"
            - clip_episode_id: ""
            - score: 1.5543144
         - -
            - parent_id: "b007vm94"
            - id: "b007vty6"
            - score: 0.3014368
   - -
   debug: {
      - rawquerystring: "id:b007vty6 parent_id:b007vty6
      brand_container_id:b007vty6 series_container_id:b007vty6
      subseries_container_id:b007vty6 clip_container_id:b007vty6
      - querystring: "id:b007vty6 parent_id:b007vty6
      brand_container_id:b007vty6 series_container_id:b007vty6
      subseries_container_id:b007vty6 clip_container_id:b007vty6
      - parsedquery: "id:b007vty6 PhraseQuery(parent_id:"b 007 vty 6")
      PhraseQuery(brand_container_id:"b 007 vty 6")
      PhraseQuery(series_container_id:"b 007 vty 6")
      PhraseQuery(subseries_container_id:"b 007 vty 6")
      PhraseQuery(clip_container_id:"b 007 vty 6")
      007 vty 6")"
      - parsedquery_toString: "id:b007vty6 parent_id:"b 007 vty 6"
      brand_container_id:"b 007 vty 6" series_container_id:"b 007 vty 6"
      subseries_container_id:"b 007 vty 6" clip_container_id:"b 007 vty 6"
      clip_episode_id:"b 007 vty 6""
      - -
      explain: {
         - b007vsvm: " 1.5543144 = (MATCH) product of: 10.8802 = (MATCH) sum
         of: 10.8802 = (MATCH) weight(subseries_container_id:"b 007
vty 6" in 39526),
         product of: 0.43911988 =
queryWeight(subseries_container_id:"b 007 vty 6"),
         product of: 49.55458 = idf(subseries_container_id: b=547
007=31 vty=1 6=87)
         0.008861338 = queryNorm 24.77729 =
fieldWeight(subseries_container_id:"b 007
         vty 6" in 39526), product of: 1.0 = tf(phraseFreq=1.0) 49.55458 =
         idf(subseries_container_id: b=547 007=31 vty=1 6=87) 0.5 =
         fieldNorm(field=subseries_container_id, doc=39526) 0.14285715
= coord(1/7) "
         - b007vty6: " 0.3014368 = (MATCH) product of: 2.1100576 = (MATCH)
         sum of: 2.1100576 = (MATCH) weight(id:b007vty6 in 39512), product of:
         0.13674039 = queryWeight(id:b007vty6), product of: 15.431123 =
         idf(docFreq=1, maxDocs=3701577) 0.008861338 = queryNorm
15.431123 = (MATCH)
         fieldWeight(id:b007vty6 in 39512), product of: 1.0 =
         tf(termFreq(id:b007vty6)=1) 15.431123 = idf(docFreq=1,
maxDocs=3701577) 1.0
         = fieldNorm(field=id, doc=39512) 0.14285715 = coord(1/7) "
      - QParser: "LuceneQParser"
      - -
      timing: {
         - time: 12
         - -
         prepare: {
            - time: 3
            - -
            org.apache.solr.handler.component.QueryComponent: {
               - time: 3
            - -
            org.apache.solr.handler.component.FacetComponent: {
               - time: 0
            - -
            org.apache.solr.handler.component.MoreLikeThisComponent: {
               - time: 0
            - -
            org.apache.solr.handler.component.HighlightComponent: {
               - time: 0
            - -
            org.apache.solr.handler.component.StatsComponent: {
               - time: 0
            - -
            org.apache.solr.handler.component.DebugComponent: {
               - time: 0
         - -
         process: {
            - time: 9
            - -
            org.apache.solr.handler.component.QueryComponent: {
               - time: 0
            - -
            org.apache.solr.handler.component.FacetComponent: {
               - time: 0
            - -
            org.apache.solr.handler.component.MoreLikeThisComponent: {
               - time: 0
            - -
            org.apache.solr.handler.component.HighlightComponent: {
               - time: 0
            - -
            org.apache.solr.handler.component.StatsComponent: {
               - time: 0
            - -
            org.apache.solr.handler.component.DebugComponent: {
               - time: 9


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