: Lucid Imagination did a webcast on this, as far as I remember?

that was me ... the webcast was a pre-run of my apachecon talk...


...taxonomy stuff comes up ~slide 30

: The '1/topics/computing'-solution works at a single level, so if you are
: interested in a multi-level result like

if you want to show the whole tree when facetig you can just leave the 
"depth" number prefix out of terms, thta should work fine (but i haven't 
though about hard)

: > Are there better ways to achieve this?
: Taxonomy faceting is a bit of a mess right now, but it is also an area
: where a lot is happening. For SOLR, there is

right, some of which i havne't been able to keep up on and can't comment 
on -- but in my experience if you are serious organizing your data in a 
taxonomy then you probably already have some data structure in your 
application layer that models the whole thing in memory, and maps nodeIds 
to nodeLabels and what not.  What usually works fine is to just index the 
nodeIds for the entire ancestory of the category each Document is in can 
work fine for the filtering (ie: fq=cat:1234), and to generate the facet 
presentation you do a simple facet.field=ancestorCategories&facet.limit=-1 
to get all the counts in a big hashmap and then use that to annotate your 
own own category tree data structure that you use to generate the 


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