Hi Juan!

I think your problem is that in the second case the FieldQParserPlugin is
building a phrase query for "mytag myothertag". I recommend you to split the
filter in two different filters, one for each tag. If each tag is used in
many different filters, and the combination of tags is rarely repeated, this
will also result in a more efficient use of filterCache.



On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 12:07 PM, Juan Manuel Alvarez <naici...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi everyone!
> I would like to ask you a question about a problem I am facing with a
> Solr query.
> I have a field "tags" of type "textgen" and some documents with the
> values "myothertag,mytag".
> When I use the query:
> /solr/select?sort=name_sort+asc&start=0&qf=tags&q.alt=*:*&fq={!field
> q.op=AND f=tags}myothertag mytag&rows=60&defType=dismax
> everything works as expected, but if I change the order of the
> parameters in the fq, like this
> /solr/select?sort=name_sort+asc&start=0&qf=tags&q.alt=*:*&fq={!field
> q.op=AND f=tags}mytag myothertag&rows=60&defType=dismax
> I get no results.
> As far as I have seen, the "textgen" fieldshould tokenize the words in
> the field, so if I use comma-separated values, like in my example,
> both words are going to be indexed.
> Can anyone please point me in the right direction?
> Cheers!
> Juan M.

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