Thank you for the response! I'm learning much about Solr... So I think
FieldCollapsing might do the trick... So if I understand correctly, I should
be able to group by type A, B, C, D, E, F, sort groups randomly, sort within
groups randomly, display simple format, and get an evenly distributed set of
results across A, B, C, D, E, F...

But I'm not sure it's exactly what I need:

   - If I have, in this case, 6 document types, how do I return 25
   documents? From what I understand, I need to set how many groups (let's say
   all 6) * how many documents per group (closest would be 4) = 24 documents.
   Would I simply need to return more documents and just process the first 25?
   - Also, this appears to me to return *exactly* evenly distributed
   results. How do I:
      - Make certain types a little more likely to appear, or
      - If, suppose, I have only 2 documents in type F and I query for all 6
      groups, at 5 documents per group (for a total of 30 documents), will the
      fact that type F only has 2 documents result in a query that
only returns 27
      documents? If so, I would want to select the missing 3 documents
evenly from
      the other 5 types.

As for RandomSortField + function queries... I'm not sure I understand how I
can use that to achieve what I need :-/
Steven Ou | 歐偉凡

** | Chief Technology Officer | +1 909-569-9880

On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 12:00 PM, Ahmet Arslan <> wrote:

> > This might seem odd, but is it possible to use boost with
> > random ordering?
> > That is, documents that get boosted are more likely to
> > appear towards the
> > top of the ordering (I only display page 1, say 30
> > documents). Does that
> > make sense? I'm assuming that random ordering is, well,
> > really random - so
> > then it's not possible. But I figured I'd ask.
> >
> > My problem is that I want to display a random assortment of
> > documents, but
> > unfortunately certain types of documents far outnumber
> > other types. So a
> > "random" assortment ends up with 50% type A, 50% type B, C,
> > D, E, F. So, I
> > was thinking I would essentially "boost" types B, C, D, E,
> > F until all types
> > are approximately evenly represented in the random
> > assortment. (Or
> > alternatively, if the user has an affinity for type B
> > documents, further
> > boost type B documents so that they're more likely to be
> > represented than
> > other types).
> >
> > Anyone know if there's a way to do something like this in
> > Solr?
> Sounds like you want to achieve diversity of results.
> Consider using
> Alternatively you can make use of RandomSortField with function queries.

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