The highlighter gives you snippets of text surrounding words (terms) drawn from the query. The whole document should satisfy the query (ie it probably has ships/s somewhere else in it), but each snippet won't generally have all the terms.


On 9/14/2011 2:54 AM, Dmitry Kan wrote:
Hello list,

Not sure how many of you are still using solr 1.4 in production, but here is
an issue with highlighting, that we've noticed:

The query is:

(drill AND ships) OR rigs

Excerpt from the highlighting list:

<arr name="Contents">
Within the fleet of 27 floating&lt;em>rigs&lt;/em>  (semisubmersibles and
drillships) are 21 deepwater&lt;em>drilling&lt;/em>

Why did solr highlight "drilling" even though there is no "ships" in the


Dmitry Kan

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