(11/09/14 15:54), Dmitry Kan wrote:
Hello list,

Not sure how many of you are still using solr 1.4 in production, but here is
an issue with highlighting, that we've noticed:

The query is:

(drill AND ships) OR rigs

Excerpt from the highlighting list:

<arr name="Contents">
Within the fleet of 27 floating&lt;em>rigs&lt;/em>  (semisubmersibles and
drillships) are 21 deepwater&lt;em>drilling&lt;/em>

Why did solr highlight "drilling" even though there is no "ships" in the


This is expected, even if you use the latest version of Solr.

You got the document because rigs was hit in the document, but then Highlighter
tries to search individual terms of the query in the document again.

Check out "Query Log Visualizer" for Apache Solr

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