Thanks  Jay ,

I was trying to compute the *OS RAM requirement*  *not JVM RAM* for a 14 GB
Index [cumulative Index size of all Instances].And I put it thus -

Requirement of Operating System RAM for an Index of  14GB is   - Index Size
+ 3 Times the  maximum Index Size of Individual Instance for Optimize .

That is to say ,I have several Instances ,combined Index Size is 14GB
.Maximum Individual Index Size is 2.5GB .so My requirement for OS RAM is
 14GB +3 * 2.5 GB  ~ = 22GB.



On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 3:45 AM, Jaeger, Jay - DOT <>wrote:

> Commit does not particularly spike disk or memory usage, unless you are
> adding a very large number of documents between commits.  A commit can cause
> a need to merge indexes, which can increase disk space temporarily.  An
> optimize is *likely* to merge indexes, which will usually increase disk
> space temporarily.
> How much disk space depends very much upon how big your index is in the
> first place.  A 2 to 3 times factor of the sum of your peak index file size
> seems safe, to me.
> Solr uses only modest amounts of memory for the JVM for this stuff.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sujatha Arun []
> Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 4:04 AM
> To:
> Subject: Optimization /Commit memory
> Do we require  2 or 3 Times OS RAM memory or  Hard Disk Space while
> performing Commit or Optimize or Both?
> what is the requirement in terms of  size of RAM and HD for commit and
> Optimize
> Regards
> Sujatha

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