Hi all,

We've successfully setup Solr 3.4.0 to parse and import multiple news RSS feeds 
(based on the slashdot example on 
http://wiki.apache.org/solr/DataImportHandler) using the HttpDataSource.
The objective is for Solr to index ALL news items published on this feed (ever) 
- not just the current contents of the feed. I've read that the delta import is 
not supported for XML imports. I've therefore tried to use 

But still the number of Documents Processed seems to be stuck at a fixed number 
of items looking at the Stats and the 'numFound' result for a generic '*:*' 
search. New items are being added to the feeds all the time (and old ones 
dropping off).

Is it possible for Solr to incrementally build an index of a live RSS feed 
which is changing but retain the index of its archive?

All help appreciated.

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