Any options that do not require adding new software?

On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 11:11 AM, Nagendra Nagarajayya <> wrote:

> Shaun:
> You should try NRT available with Solr with RankingAlgorithm here. You
> should be able to add docs in real time and also query them in real time.
>  If DIH does not retain the old index, you may be able to convert the rss
> fields to a XML format as needed by Solr and update the docs (make sure
> there is a unique id)
> You can download Solr 3.4.0 with RankingAlgorithm 1.3 from here:
> Regards,
> - Nagendra Nagarajayya
> http://rankingalgorithm.tgels.**org <>
> On 11/6/2011 1:22 PM, Shaun Barriball wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> We've successfully setup Solr 3.4.0 to parse and import multiple news RSS
>> feeds (based on the slashdot example on**
>> DataImportHandler <>) using
>> the HttpDataSource.
>> The objective is for Solr to index ALL news items published on this feed
>> (ever) - not just the current contents of the feed. I've read that the
>> delta import is not supported for XML imports. I've therefore tried to use
>> "command=full-impor&clean=**false".
>> But still the number of Documents Processed seems to be stuck at a fixed
>> number of items looking at the Stats and the 'numFound' result for a
>> generic '*:*' search. New items are being added to the feeds all the time
>> (and old ones dropping off).
>> Is it possible for Solr to incrementally build an index of a live RSS
>> feed which is changing but retain the index of its archive?
>> All help appreciated.
>> Shaun

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