Hi everyone!
 We are working on Solr - 3.4.

 In Short: If my query term matches more than one words I want it to be
considered as one match (in a particular field).

  Our index has a multi-valued field "category" which contains possible
category names of the company. It is entered by the company employees.
There are two companies in the index

  1. First company falls in category -> "wooden chairs"
  2. Second company falls in following categories -> "chairs", "plastic
chairs", "wooden chairs"

 Now when I search for "chair" in "category" field (along with other fields
as "qf" parameter), the second company gets the higher score due to
multiple match against the word "chair". As per the business logic in
"category" field it should be a match or no-match for score calculation
because this field in not filled in by the end user and length/match of
text does not add to relevance.

 We are already using "omitNorms=true". So we have prevented length of the
field to contribute in score, but have been unable to prevent number of
matching terms' contribution.
 We can not use filters (fq) because there are other fields I am matching
in. We want "category" field matching such that "n" number of matches in
"category" are equivalent to one match in "title" field.

 Can someone give me some pointers on how to achieve this? or is there any
other better way of doing this?


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