Thanks Erick,

This is a required feature since we're swapping out an existing search
engine for Solr - users have saved searches that need to behave the

I'll look into the edismax stuff, that's the handler we're using


Web Design & Local Online Marketing

On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 09:12:11 -0500, Erick Erickson
<> wrote:
> First, watch the syntax <G>....
> q=+(stemmed:perl^2 or stemmed:java^3) +unstemmed:"development manager"^5
> although it is a bit confusing to see the dismax stuff where the boost
> is put on the
> field name, but that's not how the queries are formed.
> BTW, have you looked at edismax queries? You can distribute your terms
> across the fields, applying whatever boost you want and have the query
> input be pretty simple. It takes a bit to get your head around what
> edismax does,
> but it's worth it....
> But before you go there.... You've presented no evidence that this is
> desirable.
> What is the use-case here? You say "users may want"... Well, why do the work
> unless they *do* want this capability? I'd strongly advise that you
> just forget about
> this feature unless and until there's a demonstrated need. Here's a
> blog I made at
> Lucid. Long-winded, but I'm like that sometimes....
> Best
> Erick
> On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 8:50 AM, Robert Brown <> wrote:
>> Boosts can be included there too can't they?
>> so this is valid?
>> q=+(stemmed^2:perl or stemmed^3:java) +unstemmed^5:"development
>> manager"
>> is it possible to have different boosts on the same field btw?
>> We currently search across 5 fields anyway, so my queries are gonna
>> start getting messy.  :-/
>> ---
>> IntelCompute
>> Web Design & Local Online Marketing
>> On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 08:08:41 -0500, Erick Erickson
>> <> wrote:
>>> You can't have multiple "q" clauses (as opposed to "fq" clauses).
>>> You could form something like
>>> q=unstemmed:perl or java&fq=stemmed:manager
>>> or
>>> q=+(unstemmed:perl or java) +stemmed:manager
>>> BTW, this fragment of the query probably doesn't do
>>> what you expect:
>>> unstemmed:perl or java
>>> would be parsed as
>>> unstemmed:perl OR default_search_field:java
>>> FWIW
>>> Erick
>>> On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 7:39 AM, Rob Brown <> wrote:
>>>> I guess I could do a bit of pre-processing, look for any words that are
>>>> quoted, and search in a diff field for those
>>>> How is a query like this formulated?
>>>> q=unstemmed:perl or java&q=stemmed:manager
>>>> --
>>>> IntelCompute
>>>> Web Design and Online Marketing
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Tomas Zerolo <>
>>>> Reply-to:
>>>> To:
>>>> Subject: Re: Don't snowball depending on terms
>>>> Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 08:49:37 +0100
>>>> On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 01:53:44PM -0500, François Schiettecatte wrote:
>>>>> It won't and depending on how your analyzer is set up the terms are most 
>>>>> likely stemmed at index time.
>>>>> You could create a separate field for unstemmed terms though, or use a 
>>>>> less aggressive stemmer such as EnglishMinimalStemFilterFactory.
>>>> This is surprising to me. Snowball introduces new homonyms, meaning it
>>>> will lump e.g. "management" and "manage" into one index entry. Thus,
>>>> I'd expect a handful of "false positives" (but usually not too many).
>>>> That's a "lossy index" (loosely speaking) and could be fixed by
>>>> post-filtering (instead of introducing another index, which in
>>>> most cases would seem a waste of resurces).
>>>> Is there no way in SOLR of filtering the results *after* the index
>>>> scan? I'd be disappointed!
>>>> Regards
>>>> -- tomás

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