
Please take a look at Solr with RankingAlgorithm. It offers NRT functionality. You can set your autoCommit to about 15 mins. You can get more information from here:


- Nagendra Nagarajayya

On 12/8/2011 9:30 PM, Steven Ou wrote:
Hi guys,

I'm looking for NRT functionality or similar in Solr 3.5. Is that possible?
> From what I understand there's NRT in Solr 4, but I can't figure out
whether or not 3.5 can do it as well?

If not, is it feasible to use an autoCommit every 1000ms? We don't
currently process *that* much data so I wonder if it's OK to just commit
very often? Obviously not scalable on a large scale, but it is feasible for
a relatively small amount of data?

I recently upgraded from Solr 1.4 to 3.5. I had a hard time getting
everything working smoothly and the process ended up taking my site down
for a couple hours. I am very hesitant to upgrade to Solr 4 if it's not
necessary to get some sort of NRT functionality.

Can anyone help me? Thanks!
Steven Ou | 歐偉凡

** | Chief Technology Officer | +1 909-569-9880

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