Hey everybody,

I'm having an issue importing Decimal numbers from my Mysql DB to Solr.
Is there anybody with some advise, I will start and try to explain my

According to my findings, I think the lack of a explicit mapping of a
Decimal value in the schema.xml
is causing some issues I'm experiencing.

The decimal numbers I'm trying to import look like this :


but after the import statement the results for the equivalent Solr field
are returned as this:


The import statement for this particular field looks like:

.... IF(drt.discount IS NULL,'0',(drt.discount/100)) ...

Now I thought that using the Round functions from mysql to 3 numbers after
the dot.
In conjunction with a explicite mapping field in the schema.xml could solve
this issue.
Is there someone with some similar problems with decimal fields or anybody
with an expert view on this?

Thanks a lot in advance.


Niels Stevens

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