One migration strategy is to fall back to XML parser from the javabin parser, 
upgrade Solrj jars to 3.4, turn off replication, upgrade master, upgrade each 
of the slaves while turning on replication. Once all slaves have been 
upgraded/replication turned on - switch back to javabin parser.

Best wishes,
Siva on 3GS

On Dec 23, 2011, at 7:52, Erick Erickson <> wrote:

> Have you looked at CHANGES.txt in <SOLR_HOME>? It has upgrade
> instructions for every release. Note that in general, newer Solr will *read*
> an older index (one major revision back. i.e. 3.x should read 1.x, but 4.x
> will not read 1.x. Note also that there was no 2.x solr).
> The cautions in the upgrade notes are really about making sure that an
> index *produced* with 3.x is not *read* by 1.4, i.e. don't upgrade the
> master before the slave.
> I *think* that as long as you upgrade *all* slaves before upgrading the
> master, you'll be fine. And I also believe that you can upgrade only some
> of the slaves. Each of the slaves, even if only some of them are
> upgraded, are reading a 1.4 index even after replications.
> But I'd test first. And if you can re-index, that would actually be the best
> solution. However, as above you can't reindex until *all* the slaves
> are upgraded.
> Best
> Erick
> On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 7:41 AM, Bhavnik Gajjar <> wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> We are planning to migrate from Solr 1.4 to Solr 3.5 (or, even new Solr
>> version than 3.5, when available) in coming days. There are few questions
>> about this migration.
>> • I heard, index format is changed in this migration. So, does this require
>> me to reindex millions of data?
>> • Are there any migration tool (or any other means?) available that would
>> convert old indexes (1.4) to new format (3.5)?
>> • Consider this case.
>> http://myserver:8080/solr/mainindex/select/?q=solr&start=0&rows=10&shards=myserver:8080/solr/index1,myserver:8080/solr/mainindex,remoteserver:8080/solr/remotedata.
>> In this example, consider that 'myserver' has been upgraded with Solr 3.5,
>> but 'remoteserver' is still using Solr 1.4. The question is, would data
>> from remoteserver's Solr instance come/parsed fine or, would it cause
>> issues? If it results into issues, then of what type? how to resolve them?
>> Please suggest.
>> • We are using various features of Solr like, searching, faceting,
>> spellcheck and highlighting. Will migrating from 1.4 to 3.5 cause any break
>> in functionality? is there anything changed in response XML format of here
>> mentioned features?
>>  Thanks in advance,
>> Bhavnik
>> **

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